
Testimonials - From John Ohlson
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Frank Fitzpatrick

In the 8 years we have lived here, we have enjoyed the many activities and family events that John has been responsible for as President. Go John.


Gloria Stewart

I love all the events and dedication by John to make Fox Island a fun place to live. When you vote for John, you get 'two for one' as his wife Lise' is very active in helping with all the Fox Island events and activities, too!


Denise Emmett

Denise wrote:
''You got my vote, John. All the improvements you have pushed for over the last 15+ years, no one is better qualified.''


Feedback From Various People Over the Years

You guys are doing a great job, keep up the good work! See you at the next meeting.

John, I thought you spoke very eloquently at the meeting last night, as did many other residents. Thanks for standing up.

I really appreciate the information and news from the Fox Island Website.

John: Looks like your message board is a hit.
Good Job!

Thank you both for all of the good things you do..... thanks for including all the details of the museum events in this good eFlash.

Thank you for all of your hard work and information!

John and Lise',
Thank you for all you do to keep Fox Island the wonderful place it is. Thank you very much.

Thanks John for keeping us updated on the Nisqually Indian Tribe news. You are so great to keep all informed. Thank you for your public service.

Thank you for all of your hard work and infor... Read More

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